"Curiosity is the key to excellence"

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Malvolio Became Too Curious!

Image result for malvolio

     After Malvolio scolds Sir Toby Belch and friends, Maria devises a plan to mess with Malvolio. In order to get revenge, she brainstorms the devious idea of forging a letter that makes it seems as if Olivia is in love with Malvolio. Malvolio's own curiosity prompted to pick up the letter and open it even though he couldn't even be sure it was his letter to open at first. Then his own thoughts beguiled himself into thinking that the letter had to be from Olivia and that it only expressed her passionate love for him. All he ended up doing was making a fool of himself. He acted like a crazy person in front of Olivia by doing things like always smiling and wearing those ridiculous stockings. Not only did his curiosity cause him to ridicule himself, he had to undergo emotional torture since everyone decided to treat him like a crazy person. He was trapped in a dark room and treated poorly because Maria and company decided to continue the hurtful prank on Malvolio. This situation Malvolio finds himself in displays how curiosity can sometimes become detrimental if it isn't used in the proper way. It also reveals how cruel some people can be to one another and how others are selfish and believe that everything in the world revolves around them. So it's important to remember to always be careful with curiosity because it is such a powerful and important part of life. 

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