"Curiosity is the key to excellence"

Monday, October 24, 2016

Two Line Poem?

- In a Station of the Metro

       So I was just cruising the internet looking for anything that interested me, and I happened to run into a two line poem that somehow is actually meaningful and symbolic. At first, I thought this must be a joke and decided to move on, but my curiosity got the best of me. I mean, who wouldn't be interested in a two line poem. After reading it, I understood that the author, Ezra Pound, was trying to describe a metro station that on the outside seems to a dreary and mysterious place, since it was symbolized as a "wet, black bough". But, the people are also described as flowers which counters the bleak description of the station and reveals that this Metro is actually not that menacing. I still couldn't get over the fact of how short the poem was, so I went on to find the era it originated from and it turned out to be the modernism era. This poem now made complete sense to me. This era was full of the improving technology that people had to adapt to, and a place like a metro station filled with the chaotic bustling of people could appear intimidating to people. Pound is able to illustrate to the readers that this improving technology is not all bad by introducing the image of people as flowers into his poem. I was very intrigued about the significant meaning behind such a short poem and I hope you were just as curious as I was about such an interesting thing.

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